среда, 1 июня 2011 г.

We're angels, we're crystal white...

Всем привет! Давненько от меня не было никаких вестей.
Что ж, учебный год успешно окончен и в моём распоряжении всё лето.
Теперь можно спать сколько угодно и есть до бесконечности шоколад,имеено поэтому я решила надеть одну из своих любимых кофточек шоколадного цвета, оттеняющую цвет моих волос, с крыльями, намекающими на свободу!///

Hello to everybody! You haven't got messages from me about a week. I'm so sorry. I had very difficult days.
Well, my academic year is successfully ended and i have all summer to spent it in a way i want to.
Now it is possible to sleep as much as necessary and I can eat a lot of chocolate, therefore I have decided to put on one of my favorite "chacolate" jackets, shading color of my hair, with the wings hinting to freedom!
Теперь мне подвластны все стихии, так как этим летом я нацелена свергнуть все стереотипы и предрассудки!
So now i'm the Queen of all ELEMENTS and i'm going to crush every stereotype and prejudice!!! 
  Мы не прощаемся с ушедшей весной, мы говорим ей до свидания!
We are not saying: Goodbye to spring we just tell her: See you!! 

Да, этим летом планируется жара! Но что нам до неё?!

Yes, it's going to be hot this summer!!! But why do we need to care? 

среда, 25 мая 2011 г.

Under a milky-white umbrella...

Today i want to show you my new outfit.
What do you think about my umbrella? I think it's perfect for a sunny day - it protects me from bright sun-lithts and at the same time it's very stylish. It's rather difficult to meet someone with a summer umbrella so i looked very original and unforgettable.
I hope you like my watch! When i first saw it i totally fall in love with it! It's just perfect.
When my Granny was young, one very handsome pilot gave it to her as a sign of his love. It's so nice to remember that when i was a little girl i asked my Granny to tell me this story almost every nigth. I thought it was a fairytale and i dreamed that one day i would become a beautiful lady and my prince would give me something like this watch. I know it sounds funny but i still believe in this fairytale. 

I wish you to find your fairytale!

понедельник, 23 мая 2011 г.

Lisa&Mona Lisa

 Hey, guys!!! How are you? I'm great. Spent yesterday relaxing and taking some pictures with my Grandpa's camera. It's very old but i like how it looks! By the way, what do you think about my Mona Lisa? I made it myself and it's rather easy to create this necklace. But if you need help feel free to contact me. 
The pictures are taken in a garden i enjoy so much. Now the weather is sunny and warm so soon you will see more looks taken there.

Thanx, Bye-bye!

пятница, 20 мая 2011 г.

When birds flap their wings...

 When a bird flap its wings the world becomes brighter and better. And i think i was a bird in my previous life. i was free and happy, i traveled all over the world, i've seen a lot of distant countries, so i spent my previous life being beautiful and wild. And i want to be a bird in this life too.

среда, 18 мая 2011 г.

I'm a brave "cowgirl"...

Hello, guys! Do you think it's possible to find a desert in Belarus? YES!!!!
If you don't believe me watch the pictures!!!! Enjoy!!
I hope you will like them! 

 Thank you!